PPP investment project with a 49 years of 100% income receiving period for the investor
Three main objectives:
1. To provide a new and shortened road link from the the Balkans (Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece) crossing Romania to the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Belarus, Lithuania. All together forming the European Transport Corridor IX. Resulting for a total economy of up to 300km road. Also to be connected with the European Transport Corridor IV. This will represent a new bridge between Romania and Bulgaria with two roads lanes in each direction, that will replace the existing inadequate ferry service and will offer lower transition taxes.
2. Creating one of the largest Container Platforms in East Europe, on 200 Hectares land that will include terminals for oil products, cereals and other transit goods. Available written intention, from one of the North European Terminals, on renting the platform with a market price.
3. Twelve micro hydropower plants to be equipped on each leg of the bridge. Local electricity company expressed intention to buy created energy for at least the following 10 years with a market price.
Road Bridge, Hydropower plants, Terminal Port